by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2014 Imagine being a 12-year-old boy, and your father is deceased. Your mother is an alcoholic. One day, you are walking with her and she says, “I can’t take it any more.” She tells you to sit on a sidewalk bench and says, “I’ll. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2014 The legendary singer and producer talks about the amazing story behind his powerfully moving song “This Time”, and some of his experiences with the world’s leading musicians. Recently, my wife, Susanne, and I had the chance to sit down and talk with John. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2013 Giving and Receiving Autumn is in full swing and that means that Christmas is coming soon! This is my favorite time of year. I love the cooler weather, the wild colors in the trees, and the times to gather with friends and family.. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2013 WHAT ARE WE SHARING WITH OUR KIDS? Years ago, my wife, Susanne, and I attended a class for new parents. We enjoyed going each week, watching a video, and discussing the lessons and testimonies with other young parents. The brownies were very good. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2012 ...ONE WAY TO SHAPE YOUR CHILDREN'S WORLDVIEW There are two subjects generally frowned upon in polite dinner conversation: religion and politics. However, I'm about to suggest violating that rule, at least with your own family around your own table. We live in a. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2012 OCTOBER BABY IS A POWERFUL FILM ABOUT HOW MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGMENT One of the most moving and significant films I’ve ever seen hit theaters across the united States this Spring, sparking deep emotions and conversations, and in many cases, changing lives. This. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2012 DON’T BE A BRIDEZILLA OR A GROOMASAURUS! About marriage, the classic song says, “It’s an institute you can’t disparage!” And yet, the institution of marriage at large, and numerous individual marriages, are indeed under tremendous attack today. Marriage is often mocked as untenable,. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2011 AN UNFORGETABLE LESSON IN HONOR At age 12, I was so much smarter than I am now. Having discovered, at that age, cigarettes, beer, Playboy, and chewing tobacco, I had become a debonair man of the world; a seasoned adventurer with little time. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2011 WHAT WE SAY TO OUR CHILDREN IS A LIFE AND DEATH MATTER Every night for the past few weeks, I have sat clown and written a love note to my daughter, Gracie, who is studying in Italy this semester. By the time she. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2010 RELEASING THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS IN YOUR HOME When our daughter, Gracie, was around three years old, I heard my Dad talking about how John and Charles Wesley learned to pray "The Lord's Prayer" as soon as they could talk. Their mother, Susanna,. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2010 ...IT WAS NOT THE TYPICAL WAY TO CELEBRATE A SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY WARNING: Graphic story. Do not read while eating. Especially if eating marsupials. Also, do not read if you are offended by my incorrect spelling of “possum". In our family, relaxation is. [...]
by Stephen Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2010 BRIDGES ARE BUILT FROM BOTH SIDES I consider myself a young man, although when you are older than many of your doctors, that's a sign that you are not as young as you think you are. While I am not totally "over the. [...]