Tag Archives: demonstrate

Light for Life

Publication:Pastoral Letter, August 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: In these difficult times, we are praying for you, and continuing to do our best to stay in contact with you and to share what we hear the Lord saying. One thing we continue to hear from Him is that He is. [...]

When In Rome

Publication:Pastoral Letter, February 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: We pray all is well with you and yours thus far in 2020. In this letter, I want to give some insights about how we can be bright lights in a dark world. Some may see our circumstances as daunting, but in. [...]

Will You Lead?

Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2016 Dear Friend in Christ: July reminds us that the United States is a nation that was set free from political tyranny by leaders who were willing to give their lives. A total of 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence; later, they were captured, tortured,. [...]