Publication:Pastoral Letter, February 2021 Dear Friend in Christ: Psalm 11 raises an important question: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3). The verse prior tells us that the righteous are under attack. So, not only are the foundations removed, but those who stand up on. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2016 Dear Friends, I want to address what I believe is the biggest hindrance to a great revival. We see it in chapter 4 of James where the apostle is writing to scattered Jewish believers, and asks a very important question: “Where do wars and fights. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, October 2013 Dear Friend in Christ: The Apostle Paul told his disciple Timothy to fight the good fight; to wage warfare according to the prophecies previously made concerning him (see 1 Timothy 1:18). The apostle knew about battles, even after the prophetic word had been given. In. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, November 2008 Dear Friend in Christ: The older I get, the more difficult it is to change. Like many of you, I am a person of routine and habits. It is easy to live on automatic pilot and cruise control. The problem is, there are curves in. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, December 2001 Dear Friend in Christ: Peace on earth seems remote in this day of conflict and tragedy. But it also seemed remote when the angels announced it at Jesus’ birth. Peace on earth has always been confined to those of good will_it is not a promise. [...]
Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 1999 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray this letter finds you and yours doing well. This month, I want to share from my heart concerning the United States. I trust our readers in other nations will bear with me and remember the U. S. in their. [...]