Covenant and the Kingdom



This curriculum has been used by thousands in home groups, Bible studies, Sunday schools, family and individual devotionals for over 15 years. The Covenant and the Kingdom has been a proven resource for leadership training, representing countless hours of preparation and distillation from many dedicated Bible teachers and scholars. Its international reach includes Poland, Russia and India, where it has been translated and distributed in the Indian language of Telegu.

This new E-Curriculum version has been created in portable document format (PDF), with unparalleled ease of use. Each purchase includes a license to print up to three additional copies for your small group.

Seven Sections of Topics:
Section 1: God and Covenant History
Section 2: God’s Provisions In Christ
Section 3: Christ’s Kingdom in Me
Section 4: Christ’s Kingdom In the Family
Section 5: Christ’s Kingdom and the Church
Section 6: Christ’s Kingdom in the Marketplace
Section 7: Christ’s Kingdom in the World