Becoming an Authentic Kingdom Man

$0.00 – $15.00

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These sessions featuring Charles Simpson and Buford Lipscomb were recorded live at a men’s event in Baldwin County, Alabama, entitled Becoming An Authentic Kingdom Man.

Session 1: An Authentic Kingdom Man – Charles Simpson
What does it mean to be an authentic kingdom man? In this message Charles draws from the account of David and his mighty men and shares seven characteristics that men of the kingdom should have. Listen and be exhorted to focus and act on that which men were created to pursue.

Session 2: Rise Up – Buford Lipscomb
In this teaching, Buford shares how God is a “sending”, “mission oriented” God who desires the same for His men. The modern day church says “come” but God says “go!” What is the method God has given men to carry out their mission? How can you become an authentic kingdom man? Listen as Buford illustrates the story of Zacchaeus who received a kingdom transformation by pressing in to “see who Jesus was.”

Session 3: Start From The Heart – Charles Simpson
Scripture tells us that we don’t know our own hearts but the Lord can reveal it to us. God searches the heart. In this message Charles discusses his experience as a cardiology patient and how the Lord works in a similar way. Be spurred on as Charles shares concerning the hearts of Jonathan and his armor bearer, Asa and Simon the sorcerer.