Pastoral Letter

Pastor's Charles Simpson and Stephen Simpson write a monthly Pastoral Letter, and just like One-To-One Magazine, it is freely sent to those on our mailing list. These timely and personal letters are fresh teachings that offer encouragement and reflect what God is currently speaking to their heart. Quite often we receive more feedback from this media than from anything else we publish. We have archived these letters here for our online readers. We trust they will minister to you.

author   Stephen_simpson

Responding to Hurricane Katrina

Publication:, Saturday 2005
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, October 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: I hope you read this letter in its entirety as I try to describe Hurricane Katrina and our response to it. Let me begin by saying that I was born in New Orleans and spent my early years along the bayous. […]

Christians and Islam

Publication:, Thursday 2005
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: Please read this entire letter and make copies for your Christian friends. I have just returned from The Netherlands, where I ministered to approximately 1000 leaders from 25 Muslim-dominated nations across the world. Many of these leaders are ethnically Iranian and. […]

Where to Find Strength When Times are Tough

Publication:, Monday 2005
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, August 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: This past Father’s Day, our sons and their wives took Carolyn and I to dinner. (Our daughter Charlyn and her husband Enrique are in Costa Rica.) It was enjoyable to be with family. We sat at the table and talked for. […]

Courage or Comfort?

Publication:, Friday 2005
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray this letter finds you well and having a blessed summer. I recently returned from a significant time of ministry in Siberia, the Netherlands, and Belgium, where I ministered to many leaders. It was an intense two-week trip with Goos. […]

Close By, Yet Far Off!

Publication:, Wednesday 2005
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: Greetings in the Lord! I pray that you are well and having a good summer. This month, I want to share with you something that is very urgent on my heart, concerning God’s mercy and our response to Him. How did. […]

You Can Stand

Publication:, Sunday 2005
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: My father used to tell a story about a small boy who insisted on standing up in the church pew. His father told him to sit down but the boy continued to stand. Finally, the father physically put him down in. […]

What Do You Think When…?

Publication:, Friday 2005
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, April 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: Sometimes it is hard to know what to think. There are times when one can hardly think at all. Such was the case a few days ago when the doctor told me that my wife, Carolyn, has ovarian cancer. “We feel. […]

Life in the Unimaginable

Publication:, Tuesday 2005
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: I enjoy worshipping the Lord, but even more, I depend upon it. It is not simply what I say to God as I worship, but what I hope to hear from Him. Once the worship rises into the spirit of revelation,. […]

Heart to Heart

Publication:, Tuesday 2005
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, February 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: Recently, I did a Bible Study on the word “heart.” I was impressed by the many hundreds of references and the biblical significance of the word. In this letter I want to express some of the vital truth regarding that topic. […]

First Things First

Publication:, Saturday 2005
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, January 2005 Dear Friend in Christ: Happy New Year! I pray that you and yours had a blessed and joyous Christmas season. Everyone here at CSM sends their love and gratitude for your friendship and faithfulness. In last month’s letter to you, I wrote about the birth. […]

A King is Born

Publication:, Wednesday 2004
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, December 2004 Dear Friend in Christ: We have wonderful and urgent news to share...Jesus Christ is Lord over all the earth, and He shall reign forever and ever! The implications of His Kingdom rule must be declared boldly on every continent, in every nation, to every tribe. […]

Lord of the Storm

Publication:, Monday 2004
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication: Pastoral Letter, November 2004 Dear Friend in Christ: I have been writing these monthly Pastoral Letters for nearly twenty years. My purpose is to draw life from where I am, and to share life with you where you are. I receive many responses that encourage me. I am grateful. […]

Pastoral Letter Archive