Pastoral Letter

Pastor's Charles Simpson and Stephen Simpson write a monthly Pastoral Letter, and just like One-To-One Magazine, it is freely sent to those on our mailing list. These timely and personal letters are fresh teachings that offer encouragement and reflect what God is currently speaking to their heart. Quite often we receive more feedback from this media than from anything else we publish. We have archived these letters here for our online readers. We trust they will minister to you.

author   Stephen_simpson

When In Rome

Publication:, Monday 2020
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, February 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: We pray all is well with you and yours thus far in 2020. In this letter, I want to give some insights about how we can be bright lights in a dark world. Some may see our circumstances as daunting, but in. […]

Not For Sale

Publication:, Friday 2019
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, January 2020 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray that you have a peaceful and joyful 2020! But please remember that peace and joy are in the Holy Spirit, not in circumstance (see Romans 14:17). This year, like others, will present battles and challenges that will test our resolve.. […]

Peace On Earth

Publication:, Tuesday 2019
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, December 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: Let me begin this special pastoral letter with a true story about a man named Henry. In the mid nineteenth century, he lived with his wife, Frances, and their five children, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Tragedy struck this family in 1861, when an. […]

Learning To Listen

Publication:, Tuesday 2019
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, November 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: Listening is vital to this life and eternal life. Because it is so vital, I want to devote some time and space to it, and hope that you will also. First Samuel 3:1-11 records the story of young Samuel, how he learned. […]

Where are You?

Publication:, Tuesday 2019
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, October 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: I pray you and your loved ones are well! This month, I want to look at some vital questions about how to locate where we are in life and in our walk with the Lord, Who is our source for life. No. […]

Watch the Eyes

Publication:, Wednesday 2019
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, September 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: I hope you’ve had a wonderful Summer. I want to talk this month about eyes; our eyes, others’ eyes, and even God’s eyes. We all know that eyes give sight, but they also do much more that is vital. I want to. […]

Sitting Down or Standing Up

Publication:, Monday 2019
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, August 2019 Dear Friends, I have been privileged to grow up among Christians and to minister in a wide variety of churches, from house churches to megachurches, in numerous denominations and cultures, in the United States and abroad. I have literally traveled millions of miles. No, I am. […]

Dealing With the Past

Publication:, Monday 2019
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, July 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: We must properly face the past in order to have a better future. Too many people are trying to carry the burdens of the past into their future. I have been reminded once again of this principle. After downsizing our office space,. […]

One In Christ

Publication:, Wednesday 2019
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, June 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: Recently, I had the privilege of receiving communion with a friend from another denomination. I’ve known him, his love and service for Jesus, and for me, for many years. It was the first time that he and I had shared communion. It. […]

Subtle Seduction

Publication:, Tuesday 2019
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, May 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: My purpose in this letter is to strengthen us against deception.  In the story of Creation and the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3:1 tells us, “Now the serpent was more subtle.”  The serpent was the embodiment of Lucifer, God’s arch-enemy and ours,. […]

Downtown to Suburbs

Publication:, Friday 2019
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, April 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: When I entered the ministry, the largest churches were downtown, on main streets, or on the city square, central to the culture. Now most large churches are in the suburbs, peripheral to the culture. The migration of churches to the suburbs is. […]

A Heart For the Word

Publication:, Monday 2019
Dear Friend in Christ:
Publication:Pastoral Letter, March 2019 Dear Friend in Christ: I sincerely pray that you are doing well. This month, we want to pick up where we left off at the end of the February Pastoral Letter. Luke 4 tells us that Jesus, when tempted and accused by Satan in the wilderness,. […]

Pastoral Letter Archive