About Charles Simpson

Charles Simpson is an internationally-known author, Bible teacher, and pastor, serving in ministry since 1955. He is also Editor-in-Chief of One-to-One Magazine and ministers extensively throughout the United States and the nations.

Purpose and Progress

Publication: Pastoral Letter, October 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: One of my favorite sources of humor is a book entitled, Anguished English, by Richard Lederer, a college professor. In the book, he tells a story about a mother who wrote an absence excuse for her daughter. “Please excuse Harriett for. [...]

Political or Prophetic?

by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Autumn 2006 ...HOW TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PARTISAN AGENDAS AND GOD’S PURPOSE As I write this article, the United States is once again in the heat of an election season, and a very critical one. The air is filled with debate, charges and counter-charges,. [...]

Into the World

Publication: Pastoral Letter, September 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: I grew up in a small, South Alabama community that could be grouped in several ways: White or black, wealthy or not, going to church or not. As a pastor’s son, I was especially aware of the latter group. Many church-going. [...]

By charles-simpson September 1, 2006 Categories: Pastoral Letters Spiritual Growth

The Family Multiplies

by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Summer 2006   Churches rejoice in additions; God rejoices in multiplication. While churches to seek to add members, the non-Christian world--especially the Islamic world--is multiplying. How are they doing this? Families are having children--lots of children. The West meanwhile has de-emphasized family, having children, and. [...]

Parables for the Hearing Impaired

Publication: Pastoral Letter, July 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: My Dad was hearing impaired_all of his life. He was born with an inactive nerve in one ear. When he wanted to go to sleep, he simply turned his good ear to the pillow. But, I never knew him to be. [...]

The Road to Unity

Publication: Pastoral Letter, June 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: I am writing this letter from Houston, Texas, where my wife, Carolyn, is a patient at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. She is currently in a trial program due to a return of her cancer. She is feeling well with no symptoms,. [...]

Grandma Lives at the Airport

Publication: Pastoral Letter, May 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: My sister, Carolyn Rodman, recently sent me a quote from a six-year-old who said, “My grandmother lives at the airport. When we want her to visit our house, we go there and get her. When we are done with her visit,. [...]

The Power of Reconciliation

by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Spring 2006 HOW TO OVERCOME ALIENATION AND BRING HEALING TO INDIVIDUALS…AND TO THE NATIONS The need for reconciliation applies wherever alienation exists. We cannot know the blessing of reconciliation until we have known the bitterness of alienation. Alienation is a wound not healed, a loss. [...]

Simplicity: A Beautiful Thing

Publication: Pastoral Letter, April 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: I heard a message a few years ago by my friend C.J. Mahaney: “Keep the main thing the main thing.” He spoke about staying focused on the Gospel. It is easy to get lost in the complexities of life and lose. [...]

The Power of Love

Publication: Pastoral Letter, March 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: We have all seen someone change because they fell in love with a girl, a guy, a goal, or even a game. Love has the power to cause us to change. The love of country or freedom has caused many people. [...]

The Most Vital Change

Publication: Pastoral Letter, February 2006 Dear Friend in Christ: How do we deal with change? This is a major issue that is confronting us, and will continue to confront us throughout 2006. Change is accelerating with technology, the flood of information, and innovation. It seems out of control and as. [...]

The Prince of Peace

by Charles Simpson Publication: One-to-One, Winter 2006 OTHERS CAN’T GIVE IT – OTHERS CAN’T TAKE IT AWAY Political leaders promise peace and prosperity because that is what almost all of us want. Peace is the foundation for prosperity, and when peace is taken from us, resources are diverted for survival,. [...]

By charles-simpson January 1, 2006 Categories: Foundations of Faith One-to-One