It should be clear by now that most of the population, certainly in the Western world, still does not understand Islamic terrorism. One reason I believe that is the great variety of assessments that I read and hear from the various media. And as it has been said, what we do not comprehend, we cannot defeat.
“Understanding” should not imply sympathy or excusing some evil but comprehending it. I would say that most people, regardless of religious affiliation, fail to comprehend the mindset behind Islamic terrorism and there are significant reasons for that. I want to briefly state some of those reasons. But there are more reasons for our failure to understand than I will state here – and probably more than we know. Bear in mind, this is not about reasons behind terrorism, but reason behind our failure to comprehend it.
These reasons for our failure will not necessarily be presented in order of importance:
Islamic terrorism fits none of our paradigms. It comes from a different “mental planet”. By our failure to identify its religious roots, we fail to comprehend and defeat it. So what are its roots? Let me say that I am not a psychologist nor and expert, but I will offer a view.
One might conclude than I place much blame for our lack of comprehension on secularism. I do. Those with no real devotion to the eternal can never understand terrorist. What is more, they cannot understand basic Christianity or Judaism, or even their own history.
Charles Simpson is an internationally-known author, Bible teacher, and pastor, serving in ministry since 1955. He is also Editor-in-Chief of One-to-One Magazine and ministers extensively throughout the United States and the nations.